Assisstant Ombudsman

Maualaivao Pepe Seiuli

Maualaivao born and raised in Samoa, joined the Office of the Ombudsman in 1992 when the Office was established at the Old Fono House of Parliament.

He assists the Ombudsman in the conduct of investigations against Government Ministries and agencies concerning complaints from members of the public relating to matters of defective administration. Maualaivao is responsible to the Ombudsman in the overall administration of the Office to ensure effective and efficient operations.

Prior to joining the Office of the Ombudsman, Maualaivao worked for the Office of the Public Service Commission as Chief management Advisory Officer dealing with Public Service Appeal matters. He was also an Advocate for the Commission in appeals against non promotions, appointments and disciplinary matters. Prior to that, he worked as a Senior Executive Officer for the Inland Revenue Department.

Our Staff

Good Governance Unit (GGU)

Director Good Governance Unit

Principal Investigations Officer

Senior Investigations Officer

Our Staff

National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

Director National Human Rights Unit

Principal NHRI Advisor

Senior NHRI Officer

Our Staff

Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

Director Special Investigations Unit

Principal Investigations Officer

Senior Investigations Officer

Our Staff

Engagement & Communications Unit (ECU)

Director Engagement & Communications Unit

Principal Multi-media Engagement Officer

Senior Engagement Officer

Our Staff

Corporate Services Unit (CSU)

Director Corporate Services

Senior Accounts Officer

Support Officer

Clerical Officer


Office Assistant/ Cleaner